Friday, April 26, 2013


Salam ..its been so life quite slow the past few month...after having great night at Anuar Zain 's Three Decades Music Love n Passion concert nite to remember,great music n abg nuar superb voice that never failed to serenade me for all this years... a great nite superb performance being mesmerized all night with great music n performance and accompanied with great friend , having such a blast wth bff Cuema.. Feb 16...a date to remember...then helping out with my nephew wedding ,doing his hantaran n he's a husband now to great lady on march after all the excitement back to my life with mom...calmness....happy....peace and im enjoying every minutes of it.....and april is the month the birth of man in my life my late fatihah ..i miss u ..n will c u insyaallah when time comes .its near to end for the month ..,mom's next check up will be on may 2nd hope everything ok May 5th will be 13 General Election...choose whoever you want to choose ,use ur hoping for a peaceful country to live hoping for the great things to come,to everyone stay safe...where ever u r.....